Misinformation by Misinformers. It’s not Qualified Immunity, it’s Terry vs Ohio.
The biggest problem in the world right now is misinformation. Ironically, we’ve been grappling with this issue for over two decades, with the United States government emerging as the foremost disseminator of misinformation. From the FDA to the World Health Organization, from the Consumer Protection Agency to Big Pharma, misinformation has been rampant, and the…
Abolish the ATF! But, HOW?
There is a growing call from Americans to abolish the ATF, and for good reason.
Quora Questions I Answer: Jay the Gip
Quora Questions that I answer and post on DeleteLawZ dot com. This one is about a Hero-Gip and his delusions of how he’s a hero & we should all respect him. He’s literally hsart. Raymond Smith Question: If the Police are knocking on your door, could the reason be that they do not have a…
Four Basic Missions
I. Overturn Terry v. Ohio The devastating impact of Terry vs. Ohio on the civil liberties of all Americans, especially if you happen to be a black American–cannot be understated. This ruling (and the laws stemming from it) effectively and unequivocally places greater value on the “safety” (in fact, greater value is placed not the…